Teachers have one of the most difficult jobs out there. As an educator, you have to manage a classroom of boisterous students, organize heaps of data, stay up-to-date with current events and plan lessons day in and day out. In today’s technologically linked world, the ability to use web applications is at your advantage as an educator, and we are here to tell you the best tools to use. Here is a collection of 100 web and iPhone applications that make the grade for tech-savvy teachers:
1-5) 37 Signals: (http://37signals.com/) More than three million people use this application for a reason—it’s extremely effective for businesses and educators. 37 Signals makes it easier to collaborate, share, discuss and get work done through its programs—Basecamp (http://basecamphq.com) (a project management system), Highrise (http://www.highrisehq.com) (where you can track your contact with parents and students), Backpack (http://www.backpackhq.com) (where you can organize your life) and Campfire (http://www.campfirehq.com) (an instant messaging system).
2) AVG: (http://free.avg.com/us-en/get-basic-protection) Education in today’s world has become mostly web-based, so it’s important that teacher’s computers are virus-free. AVG is a downloadable application that protects your personal computer against security threats like spam and malware.
3) Book Glutton: (http://www.bookglutton.com/portal/about.html) Book Glutton is a great application for lit-hungry English teachers. It allows users to read books over the web as well as annotate and discuss books in an online community forum.
4) Backboard: (http://www.getbackboard.com)This web application serves as an online docking management system that facilitates real-time communication. The service can automate the process of getting feedback and approval on projects created with just about any file type.
5) BrainHoney: (http://brainhoney.com/about.html) BrainHoney is a free web application that educators can use to author online curriculum, map course standards, personalize lesson plans, access online grade books and interact with parents and students.
6) Broken-Notebook (http://www.broken-notebook.com/spell_checker/) If there is one faux pas as a teacher, it’s bad spelling. The online application, Broken-Notebook corrects the spelling of online content…similar to a word processor…but online.
7) Chalksite: (http://create.chalksite.com/signup) Chalksite is an uncomplicated web-based application where teachers can streamline grade and assignment tracking. The app can also host a class website and facilitate two-way communication between students and teachers through a chat function.
8) ClassMarker: (http://www.classmarker.com) ClassMarker is an online-based test generator that allows teachers to create quizzes with a blend of multiple choice, true or false, short-answer, fill-in-the-blank or essay questions. Classmarker is the quintessential example of a successful Web 2.0 application, as results are instantly dispersed to students and emailed to professors.
9) Comapping: (http://www.comapping.com/education.html) This tech-savvy web application allows students and teachers to engage in real-time collaboration online. This application requires a minimal learning curve and teachers can easily implement this program into their coursework.
10) CreateDebate.com: (http://www.createdebate.com/index.php/teachers) CreateDebate is a dynamic virtual learning environment created to help students discuss and debate their thoughts online.
11) Curriki: (http://www.curriki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome) This wiki-based online application is used by teachers to share educational ideas and coursework. Great for teachers stumped on ideas for activities, this application has a stock of lesson plans, handouts and study guides.
12) Edmodo: (http://www.edmodo.com/) Edmodo is a secure social platform for teachers and students to micro-blog and share files, events, documents, assignments and grades. The app is formatted to emulate Twitter and is crafted with the classroom in mind…But unlike Twitter, this site blocks the general public from seeing the content—providing a safe haven for students and teachers.
13) Edublogs: (http://edublogs.org/) Edublogs is an academic micro-blogging platform created with WordPress-powered blogs. With Edublogs, teachers can include class publications and newsletters, online discussions, allowing student blogs and adding multimedia. This free application also suggests tips on how educators can integrate blogs into their coursework.
14) Engrade: (http://www.engrade.com/) Engrade is an application that fosters organization and efficiency in education. Teachers can use this tool to manage grade books and attendance books, post assignment due dates and add individualized student reports. One of the most popular applications for teachers, the site has more than 200,000 users per month.
15) DOC Cop: (http://www.doccop.com/index.html?nc=41078331) This tech-savvy web app allows teachers to catch plagiarizing students through software that cross-checks online and offline sources. DOC Cop emails a report indicating how much of the document may have been copied and where the copied lines may have originated.
16) Footnote: (http://www.footnote.com/) Footnote is a history teacher’s dream app, with more than 60 million original historical documents to peruse through. Users of Footnote can use the site to view never-before-seen historic documents from renowned institutions like The National Archives.
This blog consist of articles related to education field. I will always try to place suitable and most reliable articles on eduction field in order to help the users and readers who log on this website.
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