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Friday, October 2, 2009

Critical Thinking Skills Give You An Advantage

In this article we'll introduce you to the essentials of what developing critical thinking skills has to offer up to any individual who are interested in knowing more about personal development and much more. When we send our children off to school, we hope they are receiving education that will ultimately bring them success in life. Unfortunately, one essential aspect of education is often ignored. Too often, students are trained to memorize facts and taught what to think rather than how to think. The difference between 'what' and 'how' may be summarized in a word - analysis. Developing critical thinking skills makes all the difference in successful education for the long term. You may be surprised to learn that it's never too early to begin teaching this fundamental skill. Parents can set children on the road to success before they ever enter the schoolroom. Developing critical thinking skills pays off for a lifetime. Sometimes, as parents, we think it's most important to teach obedience and the importance of authority. This mindset can lead to unintentionally discouraging a child from questioning and developing reasoning skills. For example, you tell your toddler to put on his jacket to go to the store. He says, "No!" It's tempting to say, "Just do as you're told, please!". Alternatively, with just a couple of extra remarks, you can use this opportunity to start developing critical thinking skills. Walk over to the window. "Ooh, it looks cold out there. Looks like it might rain. I don't want to be cold and wet! Do you?" Chances are good the child will agree. He's now learned there are reasons to put the jacket on, for his comfort. Teaching a child to reason and question teaches him to learn and look for more facts.We hope that you have gained a clear grasp of the subject matter presented in the first half of this article. The same goes for learning to read. In most schools, children are taught to memorize, first short words like cat and dog, moving on to longer and more difficult words. They are seldom taught the different functions of vowels and consonants, or to see for themselves the shape of their mouth making one vowel sound or another. The 'a' in cake forms a different mouth shape than the 'a' in cat. Words ending in consonants usually means the vowel sound is long, whereas words ending in vowels are usually short. This teaching method involves developing critical thinking skills, whereas memorization is simply by rote. As children learn critical thinking skills, learning becomes more exciting and they begin to want to find out more about a subject on their own. When kids ask, 'Why?' instead of accepting a fact at face value, you've got the beginnings of a successful critical thinker. When you encourage the development of critical thinking skills all through childhood and into adulthood, you're nurturing an individual who can make informed and responsible choices. All things considered, developing critical thinking skills is one of the most valuable gifts you can give a child! When you intensively study each part that we have discussed about developing critical thinking skills, you will see a common thread of which to explore. The author of this article Johnny aka Gnubas is the founder of Geturdreamjob.com, which gives you detailed information about Take Corporate Team Building Courses and Available Jobs Online.

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