Today's topic is ear infections and boxer dogs. Lucy, my four year old boxer is on her second ear infection in the last 3 months. I found out recently that boxers are very prone to yeast infections in their ears, especially "White Boxers" with their light colored skin (pink to be exact) which Lucy is.
The spousal unit, my wife Terri, was discussing this topic with my daughter who happens to be an ex-Vet Tech about the recurrence of Lucy's ear infections. What we found out was white boxers, of whom usually have some type of difficulty with either their hearing or their eye site, are very susceptible to yeast infections in their ears. Most vets recommend that you wash a boxer's ears out every other week or so to prevent infections. This was a total surprise to me! After years of dog ownership, mostly Golden Retrievers, I felt totally stupid! I had no idea, and the Vet never told me that I needed to clean my dog's ears that frequently. If I had only known that I needed to perform this action on a frequently recurring basis, I would have fulfilled my obligation!
If you find yourself in similar situation with your dog, relax! There is a solution for yeast infection that that you can buy from your dog's Vet that will totally cure and prevent the occurrence of ear yeast infection in your boxer. Your Vet will most likely prescribe "Remicin Ointment", or at least that's what mine prescribed for Lucy's problem. "Remicin" can only be obtained from a Vet. It contains gentamicin sulfate which is, I believe, a sulfa drug. It's amazing how it keeps Lucy from scratching at her ears and it works really fast. The next step is to take her back into the Vet for a proper ear cleaning. Regular ear cleaning is a vital step in the prevention of ear infections, so says Lucy's Vet! So now, I clean and treat Lucy's ear problem once a week.
So what's the story here, I'm not sure? All I know now is my favorite critter in the whole world needs to have her ears cleaned every other week or so on a regular basis! A lesson learned and one that I would like to pass on to other owner/fans of the "boxer dog", especially the "white boxer". Keep your dog's ears clean and infection free! Best of luck to you with your favorite critter.
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