The selection of household Cat.
Should you have been thinking about getting a cat however you are still doubtful on which is the right breed for you, then this is right for you. Here, we explore some of the main types of cat to assist you make an informed choice. First, in your local bookshop or library you’ll find whole encyclopedia of books and resources that can help you choose a cat that will not struggle with your personality and lifestyle.
Just adopted a kitten:
If you've already taken ownership of a kitten remember to not let it out into the garden until such time as it's grown to be at least 5 months old. You might not think your back garden a outback, but there are predators that pose a threat to your kitten until it reaches a greater level of maturity and size.
First Of All, one of the essential questions you will need to answer is whether you are looking for an indoor cat or an outdoor cat.
The Tomcat: The Soldier of the back garden
The Tomcat is a mixed breed, close to the mongrel in dogs, and are serious survivors suited perfectly to the outdoors. They are a good all-rounder breed with good resilience, health and a formidable life-span. This is an ideal mixed-breed for first-time cat owners.
The beautiful Siamese Cat:
The Siamese cat tends to be quite high maintenance and requires a lot of attending. They enjoy people's company and are very attached by character. Having said that, they don't like to be left alone and can take to the furniture and fabrics is left for longer periods of time. The Siamese cat is a social creature - which explains their very vocal nature - and they are considered to be one of the most intelligent of all the cat species. If a Siamese cat is adopted from a very early age, they bond very powerfully with their owner, and become very possessive of that person.
The Amazing Manx Cat:
The Manx cat is easy to spot because it has either an exceptionally short tail or no tail at all. This lack of a tail does have a negative side-effect, (the tail helps form a protection for other tailed breeds) that the Manx cat can suffer from worms and other parasites. But just because it has this minor problem (which can easily be rectified with treatments), you shouldn't leave out the breed. The Manx cat is a very intelligent and playful cat - if not more intelligent than the Siamese cat - and will quite happily fetch balls and bring them back to you. It’s a bit like a dog in the form of a cat! Like the Siamese cat, the Manx cat prefers not to be left alone for long periods, so it's best that they are in the companionship of other cats. Because of its frolicsome nature, the Manx cat makes a effective choice if you're thinking about getting a cat for your children.
Persian cats:
Historically the Persian breed is one of the most historic of all the cat breeds. They are long-haired with a wondrous rich and shiny coat. They can be black, white as well as a mixture of the two, with brown around the face. The Persian cat is, like the Siamese, a very friendly cat; although by distinction, the Persian Cat tends to be more allergic to health troubles. They are not as playful as the other breeds of cats but are social and like being around people. The Persian cat is most inclined sitting on your lap!
This is a succinct summary of three of the main breeds in the feline domain, but you’ll find a huge range of cats to choose from. If you do your research, and opt wisely, you’ll receive a life-long acquaintance, and have a very rewarding experience.
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