An easy choice would be to go in for an established school which meets your approval and a difficult choice would be to find a school which enables its pupils to look beyond the boundaries and want & also let its pupils personalities to become as unique as their Thumbprints.
The following checklist may come handy:
1. A school with a vision.
2. A school which aims, focuses and provides learning opportunities for an overall growth and development of its pupils while retaining their individual essence.
3. A school which attaches equal importance to curricular and co-curricular activities and balances the two through a well planned programme to be followed through out the year.
4. A school with qualified, experienced and dedicated teaching staff which encourages its pupils to question explore and think for new answers.
5. A school which has the requisite infrastructure to meet the aims and objectives of the school.
6. A school which maintains good student-teacher ratio.
7. A school which is forthcoming in sharing its pupils progress with their parents at regular intervals.
8. A school which has counselling and guidance services / programmes for its students and their parents.
9. A school which instils high self-esteem in its pupils and respect for one's cultural and moral values.
10. A school which dutifully aims for giving responsible, committed and patriotic citizens and leaders of tomorrow.
One may also take into account other features of the school, like it's location , transport facilities offered, hygiene standards observed in matters of health, sanitation and drinking water ,ventilation , natural light & size of the classroom, play ground / play area ,strength of support staff, safety and security measures undertaken.
You make your own checklist according to your expectations and priorities. More over, if possible try meeting the other students, their parents and the teachers of the school of your choice.
All the best parents! We hope you make the right choice.
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